Finding Information

This section explains how to effectively find information for your studies

2. - So if I can't just use Google and Wikipedia, where can I find the right sort of information?

2.1. Books

An image of a slip of paper containing the quote by Ray Bradbury. "There are worse crimes than burning books. One of them is not reading them."

We have many 1000s of print books in the Library - how can you identify and then locate the specific book you want from among so many? Suppose that you want to locate a particular book that has been recommended on a module Reading List; this short tutorial takes you through a simple book search using the following example of a specific book:

  • Matthew Reason and Nick Rowe (eds.), Applied Practice: evidence and impact in theatre, music and art

The tutorial also shows you how easy it is to access an e-book; mastering a basic search and retrieval like the example shown here will set you on the road to becoming an expert Library user!

Don't forget to get into the habit of noting down the shelfmarks of books that you would like to consult (H62 APP is the shelfmark in the example used in the tutorial). Getting to know the layout of the Library - and the system of shelfmarks for your subject - may take a little while, but it really is worth it: don't hesitate to ask a member of staff if you need more help locating a book, or any other item in the Library.

Try this quiz to practice searching for books and ebooks using the Library Search 

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