Finding Information

This section explains how to effectively find information for your studies

2. - So if I can't just use Google and Wikipedia, where can I find the right sort of information?

To some extent the answer to this question depends on the subject you are studying. But it is important for all students to understand that whatever you happen to be studying some sources are appropriate for academic work and others are not. A crucial first step in eliminating the bad stuff lies in knowing where to begin searching.

In time, as you develop into a confident self-directed learner, you will expand your searching horizons, but the Library website should be your main primary resource while you are studying at Queen Mary. In case you are not familiar with it, the homepage looks like this (we've highlighted some of the most important tabs and links which you can use to begin exploring the site):

Library Search will enable you to gain access to a wealth of appropriate:

  • books - including e-books available to you 24/7 anywhere in the world with an Internet connection
  • journals - including the full text of many individual articles, also available 24/7
  • databases - which you can use to focus your searching and exclude irrelevant material

Many of these high-quality academic resources form part of the 'hidden' or 'deep' web - information that is not easily accessible through Google and other popular search engines.

The process of looking for books and articles can be as basic as typing a few words in the Library Search box; however, by learning a few simple search techniques you'll find that Library Search is easy to use and delivers the results you need.

We have included some examples of specimen searches using Library Search to help get you started.

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